12.20.08 - It's snowing again! I swear, the next time I see this weather I'm going to punch it in the face. Chunky soup is helping me to get over it, though. The college football bowl games start today. I'll probably spend a good amount of time watching those. Last night I watched almost all of Volume 3 of Heroes. I think I'll finish it today. I also have a weird urge to go sledding.
12.19.08 - It's going to be a very inside day. Overnight our area received from nine inches to a foot of snow. Needless to say, today's shoveling was the worst of this past three-day shoveling adventure. About an hour and a change of clothes later, I'm all warmed up and ready for a day of watching TV shows on my PC. Oh, and food. Lots of food.
12.18.08 - It's so cold! I had to shovel the leftover snow, which ended up taking longer than the first attempt. Apparently we're supposed to get another snowstorm tonight. Boo. Greg Grunberg, who plays Matt Parkman on Heroes, will be on a live interview with The 9th later tonight. There are no new episodes of The Office or 30 Rock tonight, so I may have to resort to watching TNA Impact. Not sure what I'm having for dinner. I can't decide between chicken patties or chicken alfredo. I think today is the most visitors I've had since creating this site. That's most likely due to the Facebook link I posted on my profile. I'm now over 100 hits though! Exciting!
12.17.08 - Man, it's crappy out. I just got done shoveling the driveway. If I were ten years younger I'd be having a blast right now. A new Smart Wrestling Fan is now available. The last two episodes of RBR: Weekly Wrestling Talk have now also been released, finally. I've decided to change the background and hyperlink color either every time I update the site or whenever I feel like it. The background will always be something captured by me. I figure it's more creative and ensures all content is owned by me. I'm going to go get warmed up and have some egg nog.
12.16.08 - The layout of the site has changed to make better use of space. It seemed nearly pointless to use two columns to list a few buttons on each. There's now obviously just one column to the right that displays the links to sites I'm a part of or frequently visit. 'Dual' was phenomenal. I've got some Xmas shopping to do today. If you haven't already, join Twitter. It's one of the coolest web services I've come across. I used my excellent coupon last night at Burger King to get a free Steakhouse Burger with a value meal purchase. I ended up getting fries too, so I pretty much got a second free meal, which I will be eating shortly. Time to go do things.
12.15.08 - I ended up staying up all night. Being extremely bored, I decided to improve the look of the site. I think it turned out nicely, but I want to hear what you think. Let me know via Twitter! I watched WWE Armageddon last night, and it really was a great pay-per-view overall, minus one hilariously bad segment. There were quite a few good matches along with a great surprise ending. The Heroes Volume 3 finale is tonight, and you'd better watch it. I just might have to take advantage of a great coupon and go to Burger King later on. I'm out for now. See ya!
12.14.08 - I'm recovering from last night, so I'm going to keep things short today. The new 10th Wonder is out. It is Sunday, so football is on. I'm going to go watch it. Goodbye.
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