Friday, February 13, 2009

MDUNNER28.COM Week in Review: December 7-13, 2008

12.13.08 - So it's been quite the day. I went to the UNI vs. Richmond FCS Semi-final Game, and sadly the Panthers went down 21-20. I was really bummed from that, but now I'm full on pepperoni pizza and plan on attending a party at a friend's house. I haven't seen my friends in awhile, so it'll be nice to have a few brewskies and get caught up on things. A new 10th Wonder podcast is expected tonight. I'm out.

12.12.08 - I'm going to do this post a few minutes early from its correct corresponding date. I might not be around tomorrow today, so I want to get it taken care of. I cannot get this video out of my head. It's just too great. 30 Rock was awesome as expected. That show never lets me down. I still haven't watched my new DVD, but I'm hoping to before the day is done. Updates are now Daily Blurbs. I've had chips and salsa, fish sticks, and milk all day. Now I think I'm going to throw some Skoal Apple Long Cut in, then I'm going to watch funny things on a screen in front of me.

12.11.08 - Yum. I just devoured a sour cream chicken enchilada dinner. In case you haven't noticed, I love food. I'm excited for a new episode of 30 Rock tonight. Later, I might watch my Cult of Cartman DVD that two of my good friends got me for a late birthday/early Xmas present. It's nice to see I've reach over 50 visitors in a little over a week. It's exciting, and it proves I'm not doing this for nothing. Thank you to everyone that keeps coming back!

12.10.08 - I'm happy to see I've had almost 50 visitors in the one week this site has been running. That's great! Smart Wrestling Fan Episode 181 is now available. I had fish sticks earlier. They were solid, but they've got nothing on the creamy cheesy chicken alfredo I'm having later tonight.

12.09.08 - So I've been messing around on Twitter a lot lately. I've slowly become more active, and now it's one of those everyday things I use frequently. Having Vista I decided my sidebar could use a useful Twitter gadget. I ended up finding two gadgets, Twadget and chirpr. While Twadget was more aesthetically appealing, I found chirpr to be superior as far as functionality goes. chirpr has the ability to scroll down and choose from three gadget sizes, something Twadget unfortunately lacks. If you've got Vista and use Twitter, I highly recommend either of these gadgets. Oh, yeah, TNA Final Resolution was poop, and 'Our Father' was one of the best Heroes episodes ever.

12.08.08 - Hey, guys. I changed the font of my header logo thing because, well, I just wasn't feeling the old one. The favicon has changed with it. I'm psyched for jumbalaya tonight. I've also got to hurry up and watch the TNA pay-per-view before the new episode of Heroes starts. This should be a good night.

12.07.08 - I completely overhauled the look of the site. Things were a little too colorful for me. I hope you enjoy the new look here.

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